20 things you can do in early labor

If you went to a childbirth class, which I HIGHLY recommend doing, you know that early labor is the longest and least intense phase of labor.  An average early labor stage for first time moms lasts anywhere from 8-12 hours – and remember that’s AVERAGE! Knowing that there’s all that time in front of you can be daunting, so here are 20 things you can do while you’re in early labor!

1) SLEEP OR REST is so important. This is probably last opportunities to really get some good “ZZZs” before the baby comes! Take advantage of it for as long as you can! And if sleep just isn’t coming here are some ways you can distract yourself…

2) Make sure the baby’s space is ready for their arrival

3) Bake some cookies for your hospital staff

4) Make some freezer meals (you’ll thank me later)

5) EAT SOME FOOD! Most moms lose their desire to eat during active labor, so getting in some nutrients while you still feel hungry is a good idea. Don’t gorge yourself, just snack a bit.

6) Drink water, and pee when you need to!

7) Call your midwife/doctor

8) Call your doula :)

9) Tell your family/friends

10) Pack your hospital bags

11)  Get a massage (again you’ll thank me later)

12) Get a manicure

13) Go out to eat with you partner (this will be your last date for a while)

14) Go on a walk around the neighborhood

15) Make sure you know how your baby car seat works (some hospitals won’t let you leave until you prove you understand the car seat)

16) Watch a movie

17) Play a game

18) Read a book

19) Paint

20) Practice some labor positions for when labor gets more intense


Okay, let’s be real though. When your labor starts, you will be feeling lots of emotions: excited, anxious, curious, and maybe even a little panicked!

Let’s be realistic and say that these ideas are a great plan now, but in reality, there will be all of these emotions coursing through your body so it will be a consistent, conscious choice to distract yourself from labor. Just do your best, and remember labor is a marathon not a sprint. You got this!


what you need in your hospital bag


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