breastfeeding munchies

Hello breastfeeding enthusiasts! For today’s blog post we are discussing some food tips for breastfeeding. It should be noted that you should be eating just as well during breastfeeding as you did during pregnancy: i.e. healthy, whole foods.

Now, there are some differences in pregnancy vs breastfeeding diets. For example, pregnant women are advised not to eat soft cheeses, but soft cheese is not a problem for breastfeeding women. There are a few other diet differences, and I would encourage you to do more research on Kelley Mom under their nutrition page!


Make sure you are eating plentiful portions of these things every day:


Complete Proteins:

All meats, eggs, quinoa, buckwheat, hempseeds, organic soy


At least 2 Servings of fruit


At least 4 Servings of Vegetables

Complex carbs:

Fruits/Veggies, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta or bread, oats

Healthy Fats:

High quality dairy products, avocados, high quality cooking oils, nuts and nut butters


At least 13 cups of water:

Most doctors recommend women drink to thirst, but make sure you always have water near you so its convenient to drink when you’re thirsty!


***And remember while you’re breastfeeding to continue taking your pre-natal vitamin! Your body actually requires more calories and nutrients when you’re breastfeeding than when you’re pregnant!  


Think CONVENIENCE when you’re breastfeeding.

- Make freezer meals in the last weeks of your pregnancy! Don’t stress about the complexity of the meal. Most meals can be frozen and then reheated at your convenience. Just make your favorite meals and freeze them so you can enjoy them when you need a full meal! Remember things like pasta, rice, and other grains should not be frozen because they can become mushy. Instead, freeze the sauces or curries so you only have to make the pasta or rice!

- Have a variety of snacks at your disposal that are nutritious, and exciting to your pallet! Keep multiple snacks at various breastfeeding “stations” around your home. Think dried fruit, dark chocolate, sweet potato crackers, or chopped fruit/veg.

- Smoothies are quick and easy ways to get lots of calories and healthy nutrients in you fast! Perfect for breakfast or a mid-day snack in smaller portions.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in the comments below what your favorite snack was while you breastfed!


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